Gold Carbon Peeling
The laser carbon peel is a fast and painless procedure to help improve the look of the skin.
It’s used primarily by people with oily skin, acne, and enlarged or clogged pores. This treatment is also beneficial if you’re starting to see the effects of sun damage on your skin.
Before treatment, the patient’s face was washed, and the carbon lotion was applied evenly over the face, except for the upper eyelids, eyebrows, and lips, and allowed to penetrate the skin and hair follicles for 10 minutes. The excess carbon was removed, and then the Q-switched 1064-nm Nd: YAG laser was employed to vaporize the skin surface. The Q-switched Nd: YAG laser energy was delivered with a 7-mm diameter spot-sized handpiece at a repetition rate of 6 Hz. A single pass was carried out on the face with the laser. Three sessions of treatment were performed at monthly intervals.
Interestingly, the carbon peel laser technique has been proven to provide a peeling effect, cleaning off the skin surface and the plugged pores, thereby correcting the hyper cornification of follicular epithelium that might block the physiologic outflow of sebum to the skin surface and reducing skin inflammation. Laser carbon peels deeply exfoliate the skin. They also help stimulate collagen production.
Laser carbon peels are used to treat:
Acne pigmentation
Acne scarring
Enlarged and clogged pores
Fine lines and wrinkles